the sense of olympic games

on samedi 9 août 2008

Millions of people waitjing the olympic games every 4 yre but they have to know the value and the sense of this venue , cause it's a global venue which might sympolyze peaces , friendship and happyness between country and others , so it's time to develop a 3D game in order to better promote the olympic game and let the world citizen know that it's a humanity game , let's promote peace better than fight and unjustice .

there's no sense of the beijing olympic sabotage

The western country are on the real race , but the politic reasons caused the US position a side of tibets , but the US position on the tibet probleme was not concret , united state did it for the politics reasons to handicap US , they really know China economics grow , to handicap the nipon nation they should takes that position . Tibet have to fight their duty but don't have to sabot the world olympic game there's no sense with what they are fighting .

the beijing game will bring more than 10 billion dollar to the chinese economy

This beijing game might bring more than 10 billion dollar to the chinese economy this month , the beijing game is a big cake for the chinese economy , china continue taking his clear place to the world economy race , china will be probably the world power in the next year it will be confirmed by his par to the world market stats , and his market part in africa and the rest of the world .

France Delegation in beijing

france delegation in beijing has arrived 15 hours before the openning and their president nicolas sharcozy also went to beijing , after been claimed that his country will not be participating to the b eijing competion but finally denied the decision , they have to know that it's a global game which symbolyze the image of friendship , peace and love the the world , nicolas sharcozy said that for policy reason .

first medal taken by zchek republic

zchek republic has opened the medal race , who'll be the next US , FRANCE , spain , JAPAN ? it's not easy to but tasty .

Tibet stop the sabotage it's a worldwide game not chinese game

Hi tibet we send you this message to let you know that the beijing 2008 is not chinese game but it's our game to symbolyze friendly of the world and peace , the olympic game is for the world,

we want you to join the game together better than making any act of sabotage , if you do so your image in the world will shine better and you might get a good image in the world .

China takes fantastic measure for the beijing game

Chinese authority takes fantastic sucurity measure in order to defeat any act of sabotage from the bad people whom are trying to dishonnest chinese image on the competition ,
a group of policies are in the place and secret service might play there role in order to hand on the people trying to to any sabotage , it's not the chinese game but the world friendly game all nations are in the venue to symbolyze friendship and love .